The national Trust

The National Trust looks after hundreds of historic buildings such as stately homes and castles and vast areas of coastline and countryside. It is the biggest conservation charity in Europe and employs people from all walks of life including volunteers.

Quite a few of the historic mansions were given to the trust by owners who could no longer afford to look after such a big property. The family would often live in aparments attached to the house while the National Trust manages the rest of the property and makes it availabe for the publi to visit.


The National Trust relies on membership fees and donations to carry out its work and it has done much to preserve the heritage and culture of the United Kingdom.

If you enjoy exploring the heritage of Britain, a National Trust membership is well worth having and you are helping to preserve castles, magnificent country homes and breathtaking coastal lines for future generations.

Different types of membership are available - Joint, Family, Individual and Life Membership, Senior Membership and Junior Membership, Gift Membership.

Plus, pay for a joint, family, individual or young person membership by annual Direct Debit online and receive a £15 National Trust gift card to spend in their shops and cafes.


  • Free entry to hundreds of fantastic properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Free car parking at most National Trust car parks
  • National Trust Handbook
  • National Trust Magazine three times a year
  • Access to an online Members' Area

As a charity, the National Trust relies on membership subscriptions and volunteers, as well as donations and grants, to look after all the places they care for. As a member you will be directly contributing to the protection of hundres of historic properties, castles and fortresses, hundreds of miles of coastline and
thousands of hectares of land.

Please support the work of the National Trust by clicking here.