About Discover Castles


The internet is full of information on ancient fortresses, medieval castles, modern castles, castle ruins and castle highlights of possibly every known castle on this planet. Why yet another website on ancient castles?

But you see, this is a castle website with a difference. I want to create a Travel Website with Castles in mind. With everything in one place from finding a castle to visit, how to get there, where to stay and lots more.

I want you to be inspired by your castle visit with lots of memories to take back home, and a few souvenirs.

I want families with children of all ages to have a great time too as many castles have family friendly attractions especially with kids in mind.


My name is Charlotte, born in Austria, with a carefree childhood spent roaming the local forests and discovering local castle ruins. A new world suddenly opened up with imaginary travel to near and far flung places, expeditions into remote corners of the world and a passion for castles and ancient monuments.

History books were suddenly the order of the day with an interest in archaeology not far behind, what wonderful childhood memories.

I started a career in the airline industry. By then I had moved to England which I now call my second home. You may have guessed it already. Although I enjoyed my work at Heathrow Airport as an Airline Ticket Agent I suddenly found myself living in Castle Country.

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Discover Castles is a travel website on all things castles in Britain. Still in its infancy, I want to lead you to some of the most delightful castles in England, Scotland and Wales.

My aim is to make your castle visit as much fun as possible, to take the family to the best places on a day out and to lead visitors from all over Great Britain and abroad to must see castle sites.

What's not to like about a castle visit ? To be thrown back in time, to let your imagination run wild? Knights in shining armour, scary castle dungeons, romantic turrets and towers, ghosts at every turn?

This website is continually being updated as I discover and visit more castles. I hope you enjoy finding out about your next castle visit.


Fancy staying a few nights in a real medieval castle? It is such an adventure, you might wake up in the middle of the night to strange sounds coming from nowhere, wondering if a mysterious ghost has just paid you a visit.

You may want to get married in a real castle. How romantic is that. The perfect background to a wonderful day, and your wedding guests will remember it as the best wedding they have ever been too.

What makes me such a big authority on all things castles? Nothing really, or not yet, except for the fact that I am a bit of a castle nut, or that's what my daughter calls me. I cannot possibly drive past a castle, no matter how small and insignificant. I have to check it out and take loads of pictures.

And that got me thinking! Why not create a website that I could share with you instead of collecting photos and turning all these memories into a scrapbook.

Discover Castles is not meant to be a huge encyclopedia on all there is to know about everything on castles. There are plenty of excellent resources that cover just about everything on the rich castle history of Great Britain and I am including a lot of links to these excellent websites.

In 2020 Pandemic struck and I was made redundant. I was not going to go back and
work in a busy airport environment again. Priorities have changed, I was finally free from working for employers and do my own thing. You have guessed it right, more castle visits are the order of the day, more information on what to do, where to stay, tips on making your castle stay special and tips on making it fun for the kids.

And I am not forgetting my lovely couples who may just be tempted with a castle wedding and my visitors, who are looking for castle accommodation.